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Aj, Niall, Ritchie And The King

Its been two years since Gymspy team of Niall Reddan and Liam Beville first went to AJ Cronins Strenght & Fitness gym in Carrick-On-Suir. “Why are you only writing about it now”? you may ask yourself. Well two words for you, Niall Reddan.

Now before we get to the why now? question then allow me to give you background to that fateful day that saw us banished from not only AJ’s gym but also from Carrick-On-Suir

It was a fine sunny day in August of 2022, 30th August to be exact! Myself and Niall decided to do our first visit to AJ and his gym. I rang Ritchie Penkert who said he would meet us at the gym. I later realised that Ritchie only came to see Niall as it was Niall this and Niall that between AJ and Ritchie, as if I didn’t exist. The image you see above I asked a member of the gym to take to actually see if I was as invisible on camera as I was in person that day. Turns out I am John Cena of the Powerlifting world but I digress here.

Everything went well until that is Niall Reddan went home and posted the below post on his Facebook page….

Nialls Fb Post

As you can see above that Niall tags both the lads, Ritchie and AJ, and publicly stated we were in Waterford. We were in fact in Tipperary. AJ’s gym is in Tipperary and most of his members reside in Tipperary. The county where our fight for Irish freedom began.

Now with the county that gave us Soloheadbeg now insulted then you can imagine the predicament I now found myself. I must add here that AJ Cronin is a gentleman and I self imposed a barring from Carrick-On-Suir that was to last for a year.

Niall Reddan competed in Limerick approx. 6 months after insulting the whole county of Tipperary as did Ray Mackey, member of Strength & Fitness gym in TIPPERARY, and AJ Cronin

I now had 6 months to prepare Niall with a Geography lesson as to where Carrick-On-Suir is within the county of Tipperary and it was like a scene from Father Ted where Ted explains that the cows out in the field are “Far Away”

In this 6 months then I fared no better than Father Ted above as when Ray Mackey and AJ Cronin met Niall then Niall said “how’s the lads from Waterford.” The look on the two lads was captured at that precise moment, see below….

Ray Aj

December 2023 saw both myself and Niall compete in AJ’s gym at the Winter Open 2023 and all is forgiven, thankfully.

AJ and his Strength & Fitness gym is host to the Winter Open, 14th December 2024 which if last year is anything to go by then it will be a massive success.

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AJ’s gym caters for all levels of Powerlifters and Strength Athletes as AJ has all the Strongman equipment, of which the Strongmen on the GymSpy team will test out in the new year. In the meantime Ray Foley, who came 4th in UK’s Strongest Master, will be competing in his first GPC Powerlifting competition. Records will be broken this day so do not miss this competition on 14th December 2024.

Not only has AJ every piece of equipment that a Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, Crossfit or just about anybody into strength and fitness would want and need then he also has recovery rooms such as cryotherapy and massage. Our very own Celine will be there on 14th December offering massage to anyone that wants it in AJ’s private massage rooms within the gym premises.

Celine seen below doing top table duties at Winter Open 2023. Click to see full gallery of images taken on the day.

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Celine, seen behind desk in the video, telling me how handsome I look in my shorts and encouraging me by saying things like “you are a way better Powerlifter than Niall Reddan”, a fact held out by all GPC members when filling out their Members Profiles.

Below is some images from our GymSpy team who were at 2023 Winter Open and if that day was anything to go by then the 2024 Winter Open on 14th December is one not to be missed. Wheter you are a spectator, supporter or lifter do not miss out on this day. See https://powerliftingnews.ie/winter-open/ for details including directions to the venue.

My Star Rating:

5.0 out of 5.0 stars5.0

See all soon!

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