Powerlifting Ireland has never looked so good
Irish Powerlifting official GPC Ireland Powerlifting website where you can find all Irish Powerlifting News related to GPC Powerlifting but not limited to. Powerliftingnews.ie is an all inclusive Irish Powerlifting federation and lifters website.
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To your right ( below if viewing on your mobile ) you will see a calendar of Events. This is our current years GPC Ireland Powerlifting calendar of events. Navigate your way through the list view to see all our scheduled events both national and international. Click on each event to receive more details.
GPC Ireland Powerlifting have an APP on Google Play Store available to download for Ireland & UK Android users.
GPC Powerliftings Code of Conduct
Countdown to next GPC Event: National Championships 15th March 2025 | Records can be now set in the New Soft Bench Category.