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Election Poster

Make Pre-Workout Great Again!

We interrupt your normal broadcast to bring you an election special on behalf of the White Light Party

Hi. I am Niall Reddan ( AKA Marshall Matherz, founder of MM Method in Powerlifting ) and I am asking you for your number one vote come voting day on 14th December in AJ Cronins Strength & Fitness Gym. I am representing the White Light Party and if you’re sick of that handsome devil, Liam Beville and his Fellowship Of The Gym party, winning Irelands greatest ever Powerlifter, with or without a limp, then please vote for me.

Remember you can’t spell Beville without EVIL

Put my manifesto to the Testo

My manifest is simple because I am simple. I will tackle the following issues

  • I will make sure that all male appendages are tucked into the singlets with a leaning to the left
  • I promise to keep my deadlift dance set-up to a minimum of 5 seconds
  • I will have all lifters introduced to the music of the “Macarana”
  • I will keep all my pointless, never ending, stories to myself for at least 5 weeks and after that I will make my point in at least 3 months of starting any stories
Niall Pj

I’m Niall Reddan and you may remember me from such episodes as second best Powerlifter and second most handsome Irish Powerlifter

Voting will commence after the Winter Open Competition in AJ Cronins Strength & Fitness Gym on 14th December 2024

Niall On the Canvassing Trail

Niall seen here out canvassing with his only friend Jimmy Butler.

Look Jimmy, that’s where the man offered me a brand new pair of runners with a green Nike stripe if I posed nude for him. I didn’t Jimmy, I swear

Niall Canvassing With Jimmy
Niall Dole

Niall collecting his dole money before commencing the canvass trail again

This is the medal I won and the only medal I beat Liam Beville for.

I can do it again by beating him on the 14th December with a shout out vote to the audience.

Vote Number One by screaming the loudest on the day when the vote starts after the last deadlift. Together we can make Pre-Workout great again

Liam The King

This must end. I will finally de crown the king with your help on the 14th December at the last competition of the year. Your help is needed so even if you are not competing then come along for the vote.

This madness must end!

What has Liam Beville done for us?

Liam Beville has been the King now for 3 years in a row and what has he done for us?

Not Normal
Naked King

Liam Beville is not normal and he wears the T-Shirt.

Vote for me on the 14th as I am normal.

You know me lads and I need this. My own dog prefers Liam to me and its like a fart in a lift, wrong on so many levels.

I am to Irish Powerlifting what Hanibal Lector is to dinner parties.

Countdown to the Election:

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